Sound Meditation Gaia

This sound meditation is a guided meditation in five phases. We use 5 elements.  Sound, breathing, gratitude or appreciation, intention and visualization. It is a very gentle, loving sound meditation. You will be guided step by step through this meditation. During the sound meditation we adopt a sitting posture, and it doesn't matter which sitting posture you adopt. There are also chairs.
For the healing of the earth and ourselves. May an awareness arise for the thriving of all and everything
Duration: 1 hour

Sound Meditation I am

In this meditation we dive into a deep relaxation, that can lead us to our Self. The sound opens a space in us in which blockages can be consciously and dissolved. This sound meditation serves to recognize who we are. Can point out and transform energies that are stuck. It is a journey into ourselves, in which the person can dissolve and humanity emerges. In a deep relaxation you can have experiences that are mental, spiritual and physical in nature. During the sound meditation we assume a lying position. After the meditation, I give space to reflect and share experiences. You choose whether and how you use this space. Sharing, listening or you leave the room. You choose what's right for you.
One person can be played directly on the sound lounger. There singing bowls are placed on and around the body.
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes

Sound and Yoga

Sound helps you to experience deep relaxation. Sound leads people into themselves through hearing. He opens a quiet space in us, in which thinking recedes into the background and being human begins. Spirit, soul and body come into harmony and so the experience of pure being can occur - I am. Blockages on all levels can be solved. Especially after a yoga session, Shavasana, in combination with sound, is very effective. Perception of time and space changes. A 30-40 minute Shavasana in combination with sound flies by for the participants. 
Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes